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Transmitting Large Files

Sometimes, the upload tool for the project dashboard can’t handle extremely large files (over 20 MB for example). In that instance, it’s best to either use a file storage or sending service, such as DropBox or Google Drive, to get large files from us or to us. There are a bunch of different file sending services out there – some are free to use up to a certain amount of storage, others require an account and a monthly subscription. We recommend either DropBox, which allows you to store up to 5 GB for free or Google Drive, which has an even larger threshold at 15 GB – however, that 15 GB also includes Gmail storage, if you have an account there as well.


We accept royalty free images to use with your projects. Royalty free means that you have the legal right to use the image or graphics for your publication or collateral or have paid for the right to use a particular image or graphic. If you’re not sure whether you have the right to use an image you find online, ask us. We can probably purchase the same image, something similar or come up with an alternative to what you find.

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